Super Crunchy & Melt In Your Mouth Walnut Cookies Recipe | 超級酥脆 核桃酥 合桃酥 新年饼干食谱 16:59 These cookies are absolutely our favorite, Super crunchy and melt in your mouth nutty goodness, full of heavenly in every bite. very easy to...
Next Up: Chicken Nuggets! 12:35 Due to loud, non-rhythmic pounding from a construction project next door, today's video, featuring a Super Bowl party-inspired chicken n...
Sloppy Dip – G.I. Joe (Generally Inspired-By) 19:25 Don’t let the catchy name fool you; this sloppy Joe-inspired dip really shouldn’t cause that big a mess at your Super Bowl party, just as lo...
蒸年糕,过新年,教你怎么做年糕,好吃到食指大动 11:53 过春节,年糕是一定要吃的。现在嘴馋了,过年时,好吃的古早年糕,我是很多年都没有吃到过了。我喜欢不太甜,有淡淡的米香,很浓的椰香味,而且很糯又有韧性的年糕。这个配方是实验多次最好的,我肯定让你食指大动、胃口大开!自己动手做吧。也可养成丰衣足食的好习惯了。 材料: (A) • 糯米粉...
How To Make Chinese New Year Cake | Traditional Nian Gao | 傳統蒸年糕做法 | Steamed Glutinous Rice Cake 17:53 Chinese New Year happens to start this Saturday, and Steamed glutinous rice cake, is considered ''Good Luck'' and ''...
Spanish Farro – An Ancient Recipe for an Ancient Grain 22:43 Spanish rice was one of the first recipes I made for my parents after returning home from my first semester at culinary school. Ironically, ...
Melt In Your Mouth Peanut Cookies | 入口即化花生酥 新年曲奇饼 13:38 Here's a Good Luck cookies to celebrate the Chinese New Year. These cookies are melt-in-yout-mouth and very addictive, full of peanut go...
The Cuban Sandwich – Hold the Mojo 20:49 I don’t do a lot of sandwich videos, which is a shame, since the blog posts are pretty easy to write. Anyway, as promised during the last br...
薄脆~好吃到~停不了口啊!零失败杏仁脆片 杏仁瓦片 食谱 17:58 其实我和保罗一直在研究这个, 而且在厨房实验了好多趟, 这次是最满意,也是吃过最好吃的一次, 杏仁和面糊的配搭,很适中, 口感脆脆的。 保罗一边说不吃了,一边却停不了口。 份量:50片 材料: • 蛋白 (約2個) 74g • 糖 60g • 玉米油 10g • 低筋面粉 30g...
Almond Tuiles Recipe | Chinese New Year Cookies | 杏仁瓦片饼干制作配方 18:10 Here are the secrets and my husband's absolute favorite cookie, ever. They’re perfectly crispy and brings out the nutty flavor and serio...
Cuban Bread – Commence Operation Cubano Sandwich 12:47 I didn’t think I liked Cuban s andwiches, and even went so far as to publicly call them overrated, but it turns out I was eating them on th...
Next Up: A Very Special Bread 15:39 Another long, holiday weekend has come and gone; and so another Tuesday video won't be posted until Wednesday. Hopefully it will be wor...
Pâté de Campagne – Finally, Something Complicated 14:28 Every once in a while, I get a food wish that has nothing to do with a specific recipe, but rather it’s a request to post something complica...
Charred Broccoli Beef – Broccoli Week Continues 22:31 I saw a charred broccoli salad online somewhere recently, and for whatever reason I had the idea to try the same technique for a fairly clas...
How To Make Fried Chinese Breadstick | Chinese Doughnut Recipe | 油条 Youtiao | Chinese Street Food 17:00 Youtiao, Its usually served with Bak kut teh 肉骨茶, Rice congee 粥 or hot soy milk 豆漿. The most popular way of enjoying this delicious snack in...
要是知道炸油条那么简单,早就不上街买了,教你自制早餐美食 14:44 小摊炸出的油条吃着是不是不放心呢?让大家,自己也可以,在家自制放心油条,口感脆脆的,很好吃。油条+豆浆, 油条+米粥, 是传统早餐的搭配,人人的喜爱。 材料: • 300克面粉 • 5克盐 • 8克泡打粉 • 180克水 • 18克玉米油 方法: 1)将300克面粉,5克盐,8克...
Broccoli Soup au Gratin – Thin to Win! 18:40 It was one of those weeks. The holiday pushed me off schedule by a day; they’re doing construction next door, which means I can’t record at ...
Next Up: Something with Broccoli 17:22 As you may have noticed, due to the holiday on Monday, Tuesday's video was published on Wednesday, which means that Friday's video w...
Coconut Cream French Toast – It Only Sounds Like Pie 12:28 I try not to do recipe names that sound way better than they taste, but I went with coconut cream French toast anyway. I didn’t think “cocon...
How To Make Rice Wine Chicken Soup | Sesame Wine Chicken Recipe | Authentic Hakka Confinement Dish 客家黄酒鸡 姜酒鸡汤 15:18 This super-comforting sesame wine chicken soup with ginger, great for winter and perfectly warm up on a cold day, also served on during a po...
教你怎麼做好吃的 麻油雞酒 姜酒雞湯 客家黃酒雞 03:27 這是咱家的配方,濃濃的酒香味;不但能補身,還能暖身呢。在寒冷的冬天為家人熬上一鍋熱氣騰騰的麻油雞酒,姜酒雞湯。是一件多麼幸福的事啊。做法不難,簡單易學,是一道新手都不會失敗,而且相信你也會發現其中的樂趣,令人回味無窮的美食感動。 兩人份 (A) 材料: 3大匙麻油 22薑片(17...